UPDATE-2 Year Recall: Surgically Inaccessible Internal Repair of External Resorption

Terry Pannkuk, DDS, MScD Resorption Management, Recall Observations

UPDATE: 2 1/2 year Recall Examination

Learn how to determine whether a resorbed root is treatable

Patient: 77 year old male with history of chronic pneumonia, asthma, and controlled hypertension

Chief Complaint: Bump on gums with drainage

Dental History: The patient was referred by his dentist to evaluate a draining fistula on the lingual of tooth #18. There had been no recent dentistry performed and the mandibular left second molar had been restored with a pin build-up and a full gold crown.

**Significant Findings : Tooth #18 failed to respond to cold thermal stimulation; slight percussion sensitivity, draining sinus on the lingual attached gingiva opposite #18, 6mm periodontal pockets were noted at the lingual, mesiolingual, and distal probing areas which bled upon probing (A CBCT scan revealed a midroot crater resorption defect on the lingual aspect of the mesial root after the initial access appointment and placement of calcium hydroxide, patient declined CBCT scan during the initial consultation).

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Oliver Pontius commented 7 years ago.

beautiful documentation and handling of this challenging case

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