17 Year Recall: Hemisected Mandibular Molar

Terry Pannkuk, DDS, MScD Instructional, Fractured Roots, Endo-Perio Combined Lesions, Recall Observations

Do all hemisected molar teeth fracture and fail?
Patient: 49 year-old male (at time of treatment in 1998), noncontributory medical history at time of treatment and at the time of recall in 2015.

Chief Complaint: tooth ache localized to the mandibular right first molar (#30, 1998)

Dental History (tooth #30): The patient reported having had a crown, distal root hemisection, root canal treatment, and a post build-up in 1993.

Significant Findings (tooth #30, 1998): The patient presented with slight percussion sensitivity, severe gingival inflammation, Class 1 mobility, and deep periodontal pockets probing to the apex of the distal root at the DB and DL areas. The periapical radiograph revealed a very large periradicular radiolucency encompassing the entire mesial root and a previous post placed with no root canal filling. A cervical portion of the distal root still remained.

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