Access Sequence and First Visit Strategy: Maxillary Lateral Incisor (Video Instructional)

Terry Pannkuk, DDS, MScD Instructional, Access, Cleaning and Shaping

Learn how to definitively access, clean, shape and place calcium hydroxide in a maxillary lateral incisor, THE DEVIL IS IN THE DETAILS


  1. Initial penetration on the lingual above the cingulum with a #330 carbide bur
  2. Removal of triangles I and II with a flame tip diamond
  3. Smoothing with a long shank flame tip composite finishing bur
  4. Copious irrigation with 6.26% NaOCl leaving the access cavity prep completely filled
  5. Gates Glidden Burs (1-4) used lightly with no apical pressure having the pulp chamber flooded with RC Prep
  6. Direct line access validated
  7. Multiple recapitulations with pre-curved K-files were performed with copious irrigation and establishing patency
  8. Ultrasonic irrigant activation after sufficient root canal system shaping
  9. Length Determination
  10. Definitive cleaning and shaping completed the first visit of a two-step endodontic procedure
  11. Placement of intracanal calcium hydroxide
  12. Deep temporary filling placement without a spacer

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Michael G Stevens commented 9 years ago.

Just watched this video! Amazing the little things you pick up. Thanks Terry!

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