Anatomy of an Endodontic Failure

Terry Pannkuk, DDS, MScD Recall Observations

Why does an endodontic treatment fail?

Patient: 38 year-old female with chronic myelogenous leukemia, taking Imatinib (antineoplastic agent, tyrosine kinase inhibitor)

Chief Complaint: Toothache on the left side

Dental History: Patient developed mild tooth pain of recent duration during chemotherapy. No recent dentistry had been performed and the mandibular left first molar had been restored with a full gold crown.

Significant Findings (#19): Slight percussion sensitivity was localized to tooth #19 which reproduced symptoms. Both teeth #’s 18 and 20 responded within normal limits to cold thermal stimulation while tooth #19 responded with a sharp, transient response. Periodontal findings were within normal limits. A periapical radiograph revealed periodontal ligament space widening at the mesial root periapex. Moderate diffuse calcification of the root canal system was also noted.

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Kendel Garretson commented 8 years ago.

All cleared root end photos are of this case, correct?

Terrell Pannkuk commented 8 years ago.

Hi Kendel, All root ends are from that case which Craig Barrington cleared for me.

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