Multiple Endodontic Retreatments and Biting Sensitivity

Terry Pannkuk, DDS, MScD Instructional

What advantages does a CBCT scan offer in a dental office when interpreting periapical radiolucencies?

*Case:** Retreated molar with recurrent periapical radiolucencies

Patient: 29 year old male patient in excellent health

Chief Complaint: slight biting sensitivity mandibular posterior area (Tooth #’s 29 and 30)

Dental History: Tooth #30 had been treated non-surgically by his general dentist (2003-2004). The endodontic treatment had been reported as having failed and was retreated by the same dentist a year later (2005). When the treatment failed again he was referred to and endodontist who retreated surgically (2006). He reported having had orthodontics as a child

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