Three-Root Maxillary Bicuspid Obturation: Video

Terry Pannkuk, DDS, MScD Clinical Endodontic Technique Instruction, Obturation

This video shows a 3-root maxillary bicuspid being obturated through a single chip camera attached to a Zeiss microscope.

Key Learning Points:

  1. Direct line access allows visibility of the obturation process to the point of the deepest pack level
  2. Gutta percha cones are placed with sealer circumferentially coating the apical third
  3. Only a microfilm of sealer is required to fill in the space between gutta percha cone and the dentin wall
  4. Excess sealer is gently expressed coronally during the multiple waves of compaction minimizing propulsion of sealer apically
  5. Multiple waves of heating and compaction are necessary to create apical deformation of the gutta percha into the apical terminus

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