Surgical Resorption Repair (Lingual Approach)

Terry Pannkuk, DDS, MScD Complications: Advanced Management, Resorption Management

Using the microscope and microsurgical instrumentation is important in performing surgical repair of resorption defects

This is a clinical video taken from a microscope-mounted Canon 60D. This was a very unusual case; in that nonsurgical endodontic treatment was not performed before the surgery. The canal space looked very calcified and there was concern that nonsurgical endodontic treatment would weaken this tooth by performing both NSRCT and the lingual repair with such challenging access. Dycal was initially placed as a matrix but was removed because the hemostasis was good and it was simpler to treat without it.

Geristore is a superior resorption filling material compared to other resins like Optibond. Dragoo (1997) and Al-Sabek (2005) show superior fibroblast adhesion with Geristore. This translates to predictable junctional epithelial attachment with Geristore translating to good root coverage after the repair. Precision, meticulousness, patience, and understanding of materials and ergonomics are extremely important to the predictability of outcome. It is very difficult to account for the very important technique sensitive nuances when considering the resorpton treatment outcome literature. Using the microscope and microsurgical instrumentation is important in performing surgical repair of resorption defects.

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