Mandibular Molar Access Demonstration Video

Terry Pannkuk, DDS, MScD Instructional, Clinical Endodontic Technique Instruction, Access, Cleaning and Shaping, Fractured Roots

Mandibular Molar Access Video Demonstration Highlighting the Following Learning Points:

  1. Initial access penetration point
  2. Removing the pulp chamber ceiling
  3. Occlusal outline extension to achieve direct line access
  4. First file placements
  5. Recapitulations with precurved files
  6. Aseptic isolation with a rubber dam enhanced with Dycal
  7. Conservative use of rotary files
  8. Passive use of Gates Glidden burs
  9. Achievement of apical patency
  10. Crown-root fracture exploration and documentation
  11. Calcium hydroxide placement
  12. Interim filling without a spacer

Note: the procedure was edited and not representative of the actual time required to complete the procedure. Numerous redundant recapitulations with precurved hand files and copious irrigation sequences were edited out of the final video.

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Terrell Pannkuk commented 9 years ago.

Scroll to the end of the images and click the arrow to view the video.

Oliver Pontius commented 9 years ago.

great didactic video with perfect access cavity which is the secret for proper cleaning g , shaping and obturation. Well done

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